Thursday, March 18, 2010


the enlistment presses is not what you would call a cake walk. first you must know if you qualify, for qualification details you should contact a recruiter. once you know that you qualify, if you are under 18 and are still in high school you will be put into the Delayed Entry Program (DEP), the DEP program allows you to enlist in a reserve which is an inactive component of the Air Force and allows you to to pick the date at which you are ready to go through Basic Military Training (BMT) and soon after become active duty.

some of the major benefits of the DEP program are as followed:

  • it gives you up to an entire year to research and further decide weather or not you want to join the air force.
  • it provides you with the opportunity to meet other recruits that will be joining the U.S. Air Force at the same time as you are.
  • monthly DEP meetings with your recruiter help you to get familiarized with the Air Force before you go off to basic training.
  • the monthly meetings also allow you to verify your qualification and inform you of any new policies added since your entry into the DEP.
  • you also gain valuable information such as ceremony and drill, rank structure, chain of command, and other basic principles and platforms that you will use every day in the U.S. Air Force.

while in DEP you will go through have to go through the Military Entrance Processing Station(MEPS), there your physical qualification, aptitude and moral standards will be tested. MEPS is where they weed out the wimps, and boot camp is were they take the Strong and make them stronger.

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