Monday, April 5, 2010

i thought i wanted to be a pilot

when i was looking at selecting a career in the United States Air Force, the biggest thing that i had in my mind was that i wanted to fly. the problem with wanting to fly is that it eliminates around 90% of the the enlisted career opportunities that i have to choose from. the three main careers that i was left to consider were the aerial gunner, load master, or the most difficultly obtained career in the entire U.S. military, i could become a pilot.
but as i stated before, becoming a pilot is extremely difficult. in order to become a pilot you not only have to have extremely high scores on the ASVAB, and at least a 3.4GPA in college with at least a bachelors degree. then you have to become an officer at the rank of second lieutenant
if you can manage that, you also have to have been born with almost perfect genes. your eyesight has to be 20/20 uncorrected and you have to be in peak physical condition to be able to operate under high G forces. only four percent of the Air Force is made up of pilots, and the majority of the rest are there to ensure that they can complete their mission quickly, safely, and effectively.

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