Sunday, April 18, 2010

my saturday

not only am i reaserching the air force for school, for about a month i have been actively persueing my future in the United States Air Force .
on saturday i went to ryans steak house to a luncheon i had been invited to for the air force. we got there and the air force payed for our meal and we ate. once we were finished eating my recruiter, Ssgt (E-5) Kevin Galbavy, answerd a few of our questions and began his presentation. he covered alot of basic knowedge, things like the benefits of enlisting, how you earn rank, soe of the different things that can affect your eligibility. then he introduced to us what he called the junior program.
what that is is basically a more rewarding version of the DEP program that is specificly for juniors in high school who want to join the air force. if i sign for the junior program i get all the pre basic training stuff out of the way right now, and then i go to basic training the summer that i graduate. the big bonus to the junior program is that if i sign. once i get to basic training, instead of having to list ten careers that i might like. i only have to list 5, that doubles my chances at getting the career that i want. so basically i have to sign by june 30th or i could spend the first four years of my post highschool life doing something that i do not enjoy. not like im under any pressure or anything...

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