Tuesday, April 6, 2010


the ASVAB is the basic entrance exam used by all branches of the united states military. the information that it test you on is all general knowledge and critical thinking skilss. whichever branch your enlisting in uses your score on the test to determine which careers you qualify for as well as which careers they think would be best for you according to your scores in each section of the test. the test is broken into different sections, how you score on the different sections of the test affects which careers you are eligible for. for example in the air force if you score high on the mathematical and scientific sections of the test you will have a greater chance at one of the air forces space related careers, and if you score higher on the mechanical and electronic sections of the test you will have better luck with careers involving automotive or aviation repair or in my case, aerial gunner.

you are required to take the ASVAB before you enlist. you can take a pre ASVAB from your recruiter or a less official version online, but the real ASVAB is taken at MEPS (military enlistment prossesing station).

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