Thursday, April 8, 2010

Military pay

while there are many reasons for considering joining the military, one of the more popular is the militaries competitive pay.
In the Air Force your pay is determined by two factors, your rank and how many years you have been in the service. the starting salary of an enlisted airman is around 18000a year, after youve been in for a year and are awarded the rank of E-2 this number increases to about 20,000 a year and even more significantly at E-3, E-4 etc. you start at the rank of E-1 and work your way up to E-9, once youve reached E9 it might be a good idea either retire or go to school and become an officer. officers get paid more than enlisted, thats a good thing to keep in mind when decideing on which rout to take when first joining the Air Force because you can actualy to school and become an officer without ever being an enlisted. to see the Air Force enlisted pay chart click the link below

while in the Air Force your military pay is wired directly to your bank account on the 1st and 15th of every month, and on the 1st of every month you recieve what is called a Leave and Earnings Statement (LES), what that is is basicaly the military equivilant of a pay stub only it tells you how much leave you have built up as well as how much cash you have earned.
leave is the amount of vacation time you are allowed to take, in the military you get 30 days paid vacation a year. each month you earn 2.5 days leave and you can only take leave"go home" when the Air Force sais you can. however when you do get the chance to take leave you can volenteer to assist your local recruiter in order to earn an extra week or two of leave. most people do.

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